Tech Oahu in Modern Times

There are many new technological advances that we see it on a daily basis.  However, given that we are isolated so far from most of the United States, and for that matter from the world, it does make it difficult for the information to flow to us and keep us on the cutting edge.  Luckily, because Hawaii and Oahu, in particular, is heavily asset-based, and also because the culture is keen on fad and fashion and what is popular when the users make a shift, the technological update can be quite swift.  Solar panels adaptation is a great example.  Of course, the legislature providing a great deal of tax credit is a huge factor, however without the consensus of the general public.  Meanwhile, it is true that Hawaii is more apt for solar panels compared to most other places.  Another big factor is the concentrated population.  Pretty much everything have to be imported, so the distribution cost of items coming to Oahu is quite high, however, once the items are here, it doesn’t have to travel much further.

We want to use this blog to talk about tech that impacts our daily life as well as items that might impact our island specifically.  More to come, so please stay tuned.